Nov 27, 2008

about ART heART eARTh

ART heART eARTh is a virtual space to share our creative treasures, and the joy of being creative beings to circulate around the world & our planet.

I have been holding this message "changing the world" for quite a while, and I am just a person ( no, of course, no one should feel that way ) that the message was too overwhelming and at the same time I have been wondering & searching what happiness for all really means ??? ... no matter who you are & how you are, even whether angry, revengeful or depressed ... every single one of us wants to be happy ... just the outcomes are different yet the core is the same !

I tried this & that, reading & watching & attending, protesting & praying for this & that, but non of them really didn't feel right in a greater scale, ... and finally I have come to the conclusion ... it is simply all about Earth & all the beings on this planet. the Earth who provides & offers us generously & unconditionally her great potential, so she needs the artists ! every single living being on this planet is the artist. and creativity is the intelligence, that we get angry, sad, even depressed if our creativity is suppressed. not only the creativity in mind but in a single cell ! we get sick if our cells are misled or suppressed ! ... we will be as healthy as we can be if we nurture our creativity & freedom !

so that I created ( not quite, because I borrow the space ) this virtual community for those who enjoy being creative and who care ! to share our creative treasures, and to advertise our creative works, and to inspire each other, and to evoke each other's creativity deeper & greater. ( in a way, it is "Our Space" instead of My Space" haha )

as we facilitate & circulate the joy of creative beings, that must reach the children & people who are lost and their creativity to be awaken & re-recognized by themselves, and that yang energy will contribute to surround & caress our planet with joy ! just we simply nurture our creativity the intelligence and that will be the great contribution to the world :)

please, come join ART heART eARTh if you are who care & respect all beings on this planet & Earth herself, to share & to advertise your creative treasures, and to be inspired & evoked to expand your potential & intelligence ... to be able to meet the greater you whom you have not yet met :)

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Happy Thanks Giving !

I got this from Michael, one of my online friends at network I belong to :
I think it feels really good & simple & making sense,
that I wanted to share here with you.

~~~~~~~~~ here goes,

OK guys
Here is a little something that will inspire and lift your spirits over the coming season of goodwill. It is a fantastic medicine for just about anything.

For one week grab a moment in your hectic schedule and do the following...

Write down, without stopping the movement or taking your pen off the paper ... I appreciate................................because ..................

Do this for 5 minutes at a time ... do not stop ..... even if you are writing the words .......

"I appreciate myself because I am doing this crazy exercise and am running out of words to write, but I appreciate my hand that is holding this lovely pen ... and ... what beautiful nails I have so dignified and well shaped .... and this paper is so white and friendly,,,,blaa,,, blaaa that having this moment to sit and write freely from my open heart is......" etc for 5 mins.

The basic rules are you can write anything, but it has to be appreciative and uplifting. It does get easier as you do it.

What are the benefits I hear you say? Well thats easy by bathing yourself in the energy of appreciation every day for one week, you will feel your energy expand. You will gradually not see or use the negatives that most commonly haunt us. Amazingly you will find aches and pains begin to diminish and even more amazingly - as you carry this exercise into the day and to those around you - others will begin to appreciate you. Even people you do not know will smile and say appreciative things.

So do the exercise and then carry it out into the world by appreciating yourself, others, situations and the world around. Just the fact that you can choose to appreciate or not, is a choice that is worthy of appreciation.

Thanks for reading this far ... I appreciate the valuable time and awareness that you have given to reading this response. Thanks Michael #: >) m


Michael has been in eco-architectural practice and besides, have studied Chinese medicine intensely : more >>> visit h e r e

" I appreciate you, Michael, because you generously share who & what you are where ever you are, when ever you can ... thank you, Michael ! "

" I also appreciate all of you who have somehow connected with me somewhere in my life, because to have become a part of the role to bring me joy of understanding about my soul greater & deeper ... "

again & always,

I deeply thank you all so much.

Happy Thanks Giving !

Nov 5, 2008

Dear America : November 4th 2008

I just would like to share my joy
to congratulate America with you.

as I am a foreigner from Japan
who have lived in this country for 17 years,

today is the most wonderful news
I ever heard being in the U.S..

as I came to this country
where admired by many foreign countries

as a land of Freedom & Opportunity,
it was so exciting to me in the beginning
as I entered this country a long ago,

as who especially grew up in a country
where has been much more likely restrictions & repressions,
however, the longer I stayed in this country
the more I began to see the truth,

or I should say this country has become something else.
and have come to the realization
that this country is operated by fear

and the government & the media here
encourage the fear so so much,

therefore, the people seek security,
and therefore, America can make money
to destroy & kill innocents ( humans, animals & nature )

through wars & pharmaceutic practice.

I was not following any of speech or debate regard this election.
I was simply wishing America
to shift to the right direction.

I do not mean to sound like I am a supreme being
who knows the right path for everyone.
but in many people's eyes,
this country had become a bully
who was pretending/a wanna-be of the super hero.

and I am also one of those
who hold great expectations in this country !

not in an American president
but the people in the united states of America.

so that I am very excited to see that
the American citizens are regaining
their true power & wisdom ( common sense )

by electing Mr. Barack Obama
as the 44th president of the united states of America !

( 44, interesting number, isn't it )
I do not mean I was on this party or that
but just simply was holding the hope
for the America to be beneficial to the world.

and yes,
I do now see the great potential in Mr. John McCain

who seems also to seek the truth & fairness,
and has the wonderful heart !
and he would do much greater job
than the current . . . ,

but ... I am just overwhelmed by the joy
to witness the "GREATER" hope
by electing Mr. Barack Obama has been brought

not only to the majority of the American citizens
but also to the world.

a whole world was watching this election,
not to support either side
but for the simple hope for America

and which affect the world,
a whole world was watching not which to win
but the decision & intention of American citizens !
yes, it seems it is one of the worst times in the history
not only in the U.S. but as a world,
yet in such a time,
America made the wonderful choice for change !

and not only to unite America but as a world,
and not only to bless America but Bless ALL !

this is the America that is called
as the land of the freedom & opportunity,

and one of the richest countries in the world
and where many of the most intelligent people
in diversity on Earth reside.

America has much to offer & share
and which will benefit the whole world
& this entire planet greatly.

I really would like to applause & cheer America !
" Kan Pai ! " 乾杯!
" Ban Zai ! " 万歳!
Congratulation America !
and Congratulation the World !
America is back :)
yay !

may true health, wealth & intelligence be back to Earth !
let's watch over America & the world within brighter hope
and expect more & more how our intelligence will contribute to the change :)

in my deepest gratitude to America,

those who have not watched the election of Mr. Obama can find his speeches on this link, and Mr. McCain's speech after Mr. Obama is elected, he is such a wise gentle man indeed
visit BBC NEWS

my writing : love is intelligence >>> visit my site

an interesting observation / knowledge of number 44
Christine DeLorey >>> click here


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if you ever feel like leaving a comment on my blog, please, feel free to add your website as your signature if you have any. I would love if this space would also benefit you in anyway :)