Apr 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

since today is the Earth Day, I wish to share my story a little bit for my love for our Earth, ... that every time I throw something, I send the garbage & waste with my gratitude, believing the garbage & waste will hold my gratitude & take my gratitude back to Earth. everything comes from Earth. and everything is vibration/frequency after all, so the garbage & waste must be able to hold the frequency of my gratitude. and which I wish to spread. there is no technique or tool or money to do that, only a heart required.

let our garbage & waste return to our planet with love & gratitude ... and see how our gratitude effect on us & our precious planet, Earth ...

everything we see is from our planet Earth.
... just take a look at a moment,
... what varieties we see & feel ...
all are indeed from this planet we dwell in

but we just dig, dig, dig, ...

& after all, we dump what ever we don't want,
to where ever for our convenience ...
what kind of teachings
have we ever been passing onto our children ...

it might be just a matter of respect & gratitude
that we sincerely need to learn.

let's give gratitude to trash & garbage
when we throw them away.
& the trash & garbage
must be taking back our sincere gratitude
with them when they go back to the Earth ...

... let's see
if that will contribute to healing this planet.

... please, consider to recycle
and not to waste as reasonable as you think ...

please consider not to trash or spit on Earth ...
... please ...

please plant a tree somewhere
on Arbor Day or Earth Day
or your birthday
or more often
if that is possible ...

may true health, wealth & intelligence
be back to Earth,

... and we will all live happily
& longer ever after ...

all rights reserved & deserved

when you think of Earth first
you will meet the sweetest you
within your heart

- mermaidsutra.com -


1 comment:

This Makes My Day said...

Hello my friend,

Wonderful message you wrote! I agree with your opinion, in this way we are conscious about what we do and about how we treat our planet. Thanks for sharing this message with the world!

Big hug!

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